Friday, April 30, 2010


The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth."
- Dan Rather

"Thank you and goodbye Mr./Ms./Miss/Mdm ____. Have a nice day" How many times have we said that? Everyday, after lessons. And how many of us actually mean it? Or we just say it cause we are forced to, and it becomes a habit..

I tend to forget that the person standing in front of us is a teacher. He/She is a human being. We show our attitude towards them, we rebelled, we yelled, we do just about anything that can/may/always displeases the teacher.
They have a life on their own. Yet, they chose to stay back with us for extra lessons just to ensure that we are well-aware of our progress in our studies. Yet, we never turn up. Just because we are lazy. Just because we had a rough day. Just because (insert your own excuse)

Mr. See: Thank you for always being there for us. For your "funny" jokes, your concern and care, your 'pov' of 'other' classes. your contributions, your motivations, your talks, your teachings, your 'let-people-use-your-camera' ability, your idea in donating the frog-bank thing to make a wish, your running with us during M.R & for always believing in us even if we have disappointed you frequently. Thank you :)

Ms. Yew: Thank you for always 'loaning' us your magazines :), for always being there, for being flexible with our 'attitude', for contributing lots to the class decoration, for keeping the frog-bank, for influencing us with your English :), for teaching us, for waking-us-up, for encouraging us & for always believing in us even if we were too much. Thank you :)

Mr. Tan: you've been with us for quite some time and it's a miracle how you can always tolerate with us despite our 'bad attitude'. we sincerely apologize if we've said/did things that is unimaginable. we should understand that you had a long day, and we should respect your words/decisions. Thank you for always joking with us, for taping the guys' eyebrows, making us laugh, pulling the guys' sideburns (it really hurts :O), for being able to care for us, for always treating us like adults even if we violated it, for always checking on us, pushing us & for always believing in us and never giving up on us :)

Mrs. Lau: thank you for your guidance, for your teachings even if you need not teach us, for always reminding us about our homework and revising before class starts, for treating us like adults, for making us laugh and smile, without you i guess our class wouldn't really be passing biology :) thank you! :D

Mrs Tan: Thank you for giving your best effort to make us understand your lessons better through the videos and notes that you have made. We know it is difficult on your side to juggle so many things/classes at one time. Even though we have the least number of lessons with you, all of us in the class know that you had our interest deep down in your heart, and if possible you do want to see us excel in our studies.

Mdm Kartini: Thank you for treating everyone in the class equally. Even though at times our ears get hurt from your amplified voice, it was an effective way to not make us fall asleep. Also, that song/exercise that you made us do as before the class begins when we look fatigue, somehow did made us feel a little bit more awake as we laughed through it. Thank you for your guidance too.

Miss Khong:Thank you for giving the few of us the privilege of studying in a well air-conditioned room, thank you for being patient with all of our laziness and "i forget to do homework" attitude.

We should be grateful and thankful that there are people who still believes in us. Has the noMADic journey taught you nothing?
Did you walk the whole of Singapore just to be famous for failure again?
Did you know that there are SOME classes out there saying irrelevant stuff about our class just because we're in 4E4?
Yes, we are in 4E4, Face it.
If we don't work hard now, then when?
Next year? Next two years? A day before the O Levels?
You think you can make it, but we all can't without effort, I know that and I'm doing my best to juggle stuff about.
The teachers are giving their best in teaching us, not only us BUT OTHER CLASSES. We're not alone.
Is it the time again for us to give up on ourselves, just because we're in 4E4?
Never use that as an excuse, but a reason to excel.

- 4E4 loves the teachers and everything :) and the whole entire Earth.
Recycle! Reduce! Reuse!

Best of luck to all! :D

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ms. Khong's class: Math textbook Ex 5.2 Qn 3 - 7.
Bio TYS + worksheet given.

a week more till MYE.
please, please s t o p fooling around.

MT O'Levels is nearing - 30 May 2010.

Bring TIE tomorrow :)
Okay, bye.

"Do it once, do it fast, do it right"

Sunday, April 18, 2010


this is what i heard

Saturday, April 17, 2010



If you can't then you must.
See they did it! :)
Yes, we can do it despite being in 4E4.
who says we can't?
all it takes is a good attitude + being hardworking + enjoying life at the same time :D

Please pay up 50cents. To those who failed.
The class tee, I'll be ordering today. :D
So hopefully, two weeks time = Tee okie dokie! :D
Dalilah & Ridzuan = not paid
But I'll pay for your guys first ^-^V

Tests are over, but this is just the beginning. 1-2 more weeks till MYE
borderline pass (eg: 15/30) = 50cents
almost pass but still failed (eg. 13/50) = $1
okay-okay fail (eg: 10/15) = $1.50
EPIC FAIL (eg: 1/15) = $2
and i'm serious about this.

And no more playing around, no more softball in class, no more catching, no more army, no more. Please? :)
Now it's the time to focus.
Set your priorities.
Studies first.
Pay now, play later.
- put3

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Monday, April 5, 2010

best of luck for the future and also for O Levels :)
Stay happy! :D

weitian very cute, no choice, same as someone = gab&ggjk

- Put3/wt