Friday, March 12, 2010

If we can't, then we MUST.

The money we earned from selling apples.
It was one of the challenges given.
We earned more than $80 without any capital being used.

Challenge - Telling tourist how unique singapore is.

Challenge - valuable lessons .

We played a game called group sit up. We must learn to trust each other, have resilience. Never to give up easily even when there is obstacles. Through this game we are trying to imply that even though we might have difficulties, we can still overcome it with each other support.

Challenge - Uniquely singapore

We interviewed and taught a group of tourist from South Africa about things that are well-known in Singapore. Thus, we decided to teach them our "famous" Singlish. When they come to our country, they can learn to understand and respect our different cultures

challenge- difference maker

We interviewed this Vallet servicer and we realised how important their job was. Even though they might be insignificant to many, they have fufilled their responsibilties to the society by doing what they are good at.

challenge - Leader without title.

A leader can be mould or born. Though a student is a leader without a title, but through this race we can see that ALL of us can be leaders in our own ways. A leader must be empathetic and self-disciplined, one that can serve and lead others even without being recognised.

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