Friday, March 12, 2010

the long, long trip to fullerton!!!!

after completing our tasks at SMU, we made our way to Clarke Quay. We assumed that was a station along it, but no, there was not. It was all the way at 1 Fullerton, which was a long, long, long way to go to. However, without any hesitation we decided to run all the way to fullerton FROM Clarke Quay.
We ran all the way, breathless, tired and sweaty.
A lot gave up, but the 3-indoor days and values we learnt in school kept us going, which was

We also, naturally, argued as a class due to the directions but we had to respect each others' desicions and just go for it. We also got CONNED! by some youths, but it was okay
*There are no failures, only learning experiences*

We also taught a tourist how to speak SINGLISH, as Singapore is famous for it (Challenge: Uniquely Singapore!")
We searched for tourists around the bridge near Fullerton 1, two rejected us, as they were "busy" (but we saw them walking anyway..)
We met a group of tourists all the way from SOUTH AFRICA, they agreed to spare us some time.
We taught them how to say "Okay" in our language which was "Okay lah"
It was really adorable :P
We thanked them sincerely and went off, as we had a time constraint. :'(
We also learnt a bit of them like where were they from.
We had the courage to went up to strangers and asked them to teach us Singlish.
Learners. Thinkers. Leaders.

4E4'10, just do it :)

Pssst: video uploaded. hehe

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