Friday, March 12, 2010

to SMU we go!

at SMU, there were a few different schools, buildings. we had to ask for instructions to get around, to the block we wanted to go which was the school of accountancy. when we reached there, we quickly gathered around and took our beautiful CLASS photo!!!
when we were there, we discussed and decided to complete one of our challenges, the apprentice.
our class worked hard and decided to embark on a half an hour session to sell as much as we could. our class worked hard, showed resilience and although we had a hard time persuading the people to buy our stuff, and we managed to meet our quota for this station! after the half an hour, we took the responsibility to get meet our designated buddy and we reported to our coaches.
the coaches were happy for us, as we managed to meet our quota. we learned many things in this trip both soft skills and hard skills, ranging from learning how to persuade customers to having to the inner strength to walk the far distance. you know why we're always the best? because we're 4E4, the class of possibilities.

all for one, one for all.

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